That depends on what type of wallet you use.
Keep in mind there are hundreds of available wallets, so it's impossible to supply a list of allowed wallets. We'll break this down as simply as possible.
1. Can I use an exchange wallet?
Absolutely NOT
Coinbase Ethereum addresses, as an example, are not compatible with Virtue Poker. If you gave us an exchange wallet ETH address when you signed up, you will need to replace it with a non-exchange Ethereum address. The easiest way to do this is to create a new address using Metamask.
If you have already registered in the Virtue Poker client using an exchange Ethereum address, email from your registered email address and we'll assist you with changing your wallet.
Please review this ever-growing list of accepted and rejected wallets.
2. Are there other criteria when selecting an allowed wallet?
Our VPPs (Virtue Poker Points) are ERC-20 tokens. If you want to play on our site using VPPs you MUST have a non-exchange wallet that does offer the tokens.
Please review this ever-growing list of accepted and rejected wallets.
3. I know very little about using cryptocurrency. What should I do?
This question is fairly easy to help with. We also have a walkthrough on how to use Metamask- so you have step-by-step processes available to review.